
Inspiring kids to be entrepreneurial.

Our Money Mastery Mentoring Program Reviewed

February 15th, 2013

Have you ever had that deep inner desire to want to change the world, or to be a person of significance who has made a real difference to others; yet frustrated, at times, that all your time and energy is channeled into your nine to five job… the job that you need in order to earn the dollars to simply exist and meet the costs of living and raising a family?


Quote 6The World Can Only Change from WithinHave you wondered what you could do if you had the resources of time, knowledge and money to be that difference?


Children grow up full of potential and excited about their new life and what they wish to accomplish with it. Ideally, we as their parents, want to be their inspiration and show by example that they too can achieve whatever they put their minds to.


Do you ever wonder what worldly achievements and contributions your children will end up doing/being?


Paul CounselCath and I have huge dreams! We are aiming for the stars! We aspire to achieve, experience and contribute in a grand way. We plan to lead our own children to ‘Think Big’, to experience, and to make a significant difference to the lives of others whilst here on Earth.


This is our “Why” and it is why we began the journey seeking an understanding and the mindset shifts required to achieve Financial Freedom.


This past year has been, by far, the biggest year for us in terms of shift in a mindset around success. Last year, in March, we embarked on a year long Money Mastery Mentoring Program, lead by Dr Paul Counsel.


Stephen Covey quotePaul certainly opened our eyes to possibility, has given us the tools to make the inner shifts required to achieve financial freedom; and he has opened our subconscious minds, making the adjustments necessary, that have now put us on the path to achieving our goals.


Our year has literally been like a roller-coaster ride. Many ups and downs and bumps along the way… and it has absolutely been full on with the logistics of sorting kids and maintaining momentum whilst running very busy lives. Without our beautiful friends and family supporting us throughout the year, I’m certain we would not have made it this far.


The Money Mastery program is largely about achieving Financial Freedom; however, it has also been a self discovery mentoring program where we’ve revealed so much about our selves; our deep rooted values; our subconscious thinking and conditioning; and our future realities.


Mentoring Program Paul CounselSadly tomorrow we head up to Perth for our final weekend with Paul and our Money Mastery group of friends from 2012. We haven’t decided if we’ll continue as a new program starts in March 2013. There are many things to weigh up, but one thing for sure is our future is opening up wide before us.


Below is a link that will take visitors to our Full Review of our Money Mastery Mentoring Program. We have reviewed our year with Paul Counsel, shared in depth why we chose to take on such a mentoring program and some of the massive distinctions that have changed our lives forever!


We invite you to read about our journey and experiences (and pass it on to interested friends).


Leo Tolstoy quoteWe’re hopeful when you read it, that you gain inspiration and perhaps some real insight into your own lives. We have reflected on some of the reasons why things happen the way they do… and why they don’t!


So go make yourself a cuppa, sit down in a comfy chair and take the time to have a read of our Money Mastery Mentoring Program Review… Oh! …and leave us a comment please!


Here is the link…. Money Mastery Mentoring Program Reviewed




Youth Enterprise…. Kaitlin and Jai

September 6th, 2012

So far we have seen Flynn building a great Honey enterprise and actually achieve his goal. Kit had a go at “dog walking”, but quickly cottoned onto the fact that Chayse was making more money than him selling lollies or candy at the local Soccer fields, so has been pursuing that with his brother. They have made quite a team, and we will revisit them in an upcoming blog post. Amber has actually reached her goal with her “New from Old” endeavours and we will celebrate her achievement in another post also.

So that leaves our creative Artist, Kaitlin, and our budding App Developer Jai.

It has been interesting to note on the kids’ journeys, that it is actually easier to introduce a different mindset around money to children who are younger than it is to teenagers or older children. Why would teaching youth enterprise be so challenging? Well, the answer is simple really. In our case, Kaitlin and Jai have been a lot more conditioned around money than the younger siblings. They have been around longer with us as their major source of education. Our thoughts/objections/subconscious beliefs have been ingrained into these two and it is now quite a process to change those beliefs.

Kaitlin and Jai

Luckily for us, Kaitlin and Jai are both quick learners and understand the concepts we have been trying to teach. The main obstacle has been providing the “time” to put this newfound knowledge into action. Being teenagers, their lives are full of homework/study, sporting commitments, social life and social media. All of these are things we want to encourage in our children, so our challenge has been finding the time to also include a Financial Education.

But in the end, as with everything, “life” has been the best teacher of all.

Jai hasn’t had an urgency to pursue his App Developing as there was no time line on when his goal needed to be reached. But since then, his goal has changed. Jai has been accepted into the Country Week Soccer team and will be competing in Perth during the holidays. He has to pay for a good portion of this trip. He suddenly has a renewed vision and goal to aim for, and he has spent countless hours researching a variety of ways to make the money in a short amount of time, kicking his youth enterprise into action!

Jai's focus or goal has changed.....

Jai loves being active and he now has a new goal.













He has come up with different ways to make the money, some of them he wasn’t interested in before. The sorts of opportunities Jai has been looking at are mowing lawns in our neighborhood, finding items to sell and hiring out exercise equipment. Together, he and Trevor worked out he needed to find $10 a day to be able to afford his portion. He has been negotiating with us over particular jobs that need doing around the house (above and beyond household chores) and been getting on and doing them. He has gone through many of his good quality items that were a “must have” when he bought them, then realised that perhaps he didn’t need them as much as he first thought. These, he has posted on Facebook to sell.

So, whilst Jai’s App developing has taken a backseat, it hasn’t been forgotten, it is just something he has recognised as a longer term project and pursuing it now wouldn’t give him the instant money needed to go on this trip. We are proud of his efforts and are sure he will reach his goal in time.

Jai reflected on his Entrepreneurial Journey a few weeks back. Click here to view!

Kaitlin doing what she loves!

Kaitlin, our artist in residence, is finally learning to manage her energy around study, social life, sport and her youth enterprise ventures. She has put a time line in place and is having more requests for art, so has to now take the time to start each piece so it can be finished in time for Christmas (for some) and earlier for others. Having a boyfriend has actually increased her self effacy as she needs to complete certain things before socialising.

Kaitlin and Lachlan










Luckily, lachlan encourages Kaitlin to do that, because he actually wants to have a social life too!

Kaitlin and her friend Georgia are also realising the power of leveraging their time. They have come up with some great ideas around Enterprise and have put steps in place to pursue these ideas. They are longer term goals, but in the end will reap more rewards than working a job. However, they still see the need to pursue their “job” in the meantime, to give them the money to put towards their enterprise when it is up and running. We will keep you posted with their endeavours.

Kaitlin & Georgia

So the journey towards Financial freedom is always a rocky one,  but one worth following regardless of what else is going on in your life. Our kids are teaching us so much along the way, and whilst all of their efforts aren’t successful, they are learning from that and moving forward……..and we couldn’t be prouder.

Enterprise for Kids… Our New Beginning!

May 1st, 2012

Welcome to our blog Enterprise for Kids!

We are one average, large and happy family daring to “dream big”. We are on a journey to escape from the “Rat Race” and join the relative few who have achieved personal and financial freedom. But we have seven gorgeous reasons to try. We hope to inspire others to follow our lead and to provide our readers with insights and ideas into how it can be done.

About to embark on our new entrepreneurial adventure!

Our story begins with a huge understanding of what it takes to be a loving and adventurous family with wonderful family and friends, but only a little understanding of what it takes to be financially successful. It is from this point, and with the help of a successful entrepreneurial mentor, that we will start our journey. It is our hope that our children can gain a financial education and success mindsets surrounding money whilst maintaining a genuine love of life.

We want to teach our children how to develop enterprise skills (ie: how to spot an opportunity), how to put that opportunity into practise (entrepreneurial skills) and of course, how to manage money successfully. In addition to this, we want them to appreciate and be grateful for all the opportunities they attract and learn to give back to the community in a way that makes a real difference. This process will take time, but we hope you enjoy the learning with us.

You will have the opportunity to follow each of our kids on their individual journeys, (and ours too!) We also plan to introduce some of our kids’ friends to “Enterprise for Kids” and our blog will follow their journeys too.

Conventional thinking may be challenged as we look and reflect upon our own belief systems and learn what it takes for a person to become financially and personally free.

So jump on board and let’s see where this exciting new adventure “Enterprise for Kids” takes us.

Visit our About Us page to meet us all!



Inspiring kids to be entrepreneurial.