
Inspiring kids to be entrepreneurial.

Enterprise for Kids… Our New Beginning!

May 1st, 2012

Welcome to our blog Enterprise for Kids!

We are one average, large and happy family daring to “dream big”. We are on a journey to escape from the “Rat Race” and join the relative few who have achieved personal and financial freedom. But we have seven gorgeous reasons to try. We hope to inspire others to follow our lead and to provide our readers with insights and ideas into how it can be done.

About to embark on our new entrepreneurial adventure!

Our story begins with a huge understanding of what it takes to be a loving and adventurous family with wonderful family and friends, but only a little understanding of what it takes to be financially successful. It is from this point, and with the help of a successful entrepreneurial mentor, that we will start our journey. It is our hope that our children can gain a financial education and success mindsets surrounding money whilst maintaining a genuine love of life.

We want to teach our children how to develop enterprise skills (ie: how to spot an opportunity), how to put that opportunity into practise (entrepreneurial skills) and of course, how to manage money successfully. In addition to this, we want them to appreciate and be grateful for all the opportunities they attract and learn to give back to the community in a way that makes a real difference. This process will take time, but we hope you enjoy the learning with us.

You will have the opportunity to follow each of our kids on their individual journeys, (and ours too!) We also plan to introduce some of our kids’ friends to “Enterprise for Kids” and our blog will follow their journeys too.

Conventional thinking may be challenged as we look and reflect upon our own belief systems and learn what it takes for a person to become financially and personally free.

So jump on board and let’s see where this exciting new adventure “Enterprise for Kids” takes us.

Visit our About Us page to meet us all!


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Inspiring kids to be entrepreneurial.