
Inspiring kids to be entrepreneurial.

Sean Rasmussen… Developing Self Esteem!

November 8th, 2012


Our family’s entrepreneurial journey so far has been exhilarating!


The more we learn about successful entrepreneurial people and what makes them different from everyday people has helped us to not only understand our own subconscious beliefs and values, but to  re-condition our own subconscious into developing a mindset and value system that is accepting of economic and personal success.


Our journey of self discovery has allowed us to look deep into our own habits, thoughts and belief systems and that of our children.


Sean, Cherie and us!

However, what has really inspired us, are the people we are becoming friends with along the way. Positive people with energy, motivation, connectedness and drive! These people are our reference group and by simply becoming their friends we are able to absorb their awesome energy!


We flew to Surfer’s Paradise on the Queensland Gold Coast to attend a three day intensive Internet Marketing Boot Camp run by the guru of internet marketing, Sean Rasmussen. Sean’s rags to riches story was an inspiration! From working as an electrician on a mine out from Karratha in Western Australia, carrying a large debt and working very long hours, to becoming a wealthy and very successful (self taught) Internet Marketer!


He would spend twelve hours a day, six days a week, working on the mine site and then teach himself internet marketing during his few waking hours at home (and only sleep for four hours a night!).


He made it his highest value to change his family’s economic situation by being very intent on finding a way to build an online business.


Sean’s focus and persistence (and total support from his family) soon paid off, and within a couple of years he had built a extremely successful business that well and truly replaced his income from his JOB. In fact, Sean’s income rapidly grew and now he has a multi million dollar business!


It seems odd that we travelled so far just for three days, when Sean and his family actually only live less than an hours drive from where we live here in WA. But, of course, being an Internet Marketer, means that Sean has client’s all over Australia and the world. But it’s pretty cool knowing that we have an Internet Marketing Guru who is well recognised world wide, living just down the road!

Our experience over the three day weekend was mind blowing! Sean’s amazing knowledge, enthusiasm and sense of humour kept us captivated throughout the event. We met and became friends with many fantastic people who inspired us with their commitment, passion and variety of topics they were blogging about.

Sean and David at our Boot Camp.

Many had major hurdles to overcome to pursue their passions like Dave who is 21 and has Cerebral Palsy. Or Lynda, who is his supportive Mum, has 4 other chilren at home, and takes the time to bring Dave to Sean’s Bootcamps because she also wants to expose him to the myriad of possibilities out there.

Or Dr Wiliam … (or Dr Bill as he is affectionately known) who is a spritely 80+ yrs young!

Or Catherine, who dreams of working from home so she can still spend time with her gorgeous baby girl.

Or Helen, who came along with her husband Alex and we worked out that Trev taught her in Yr 5 in Geradton!

Or Dale, who’s passionate about Natural Health.

These are just some of the incredible people we met and who we know will make huge successes of their businesses down the track, especially under Sean’s wings. We will expand on the human nature of some of these wonderful people in our next blog and show you the range and depth and variety of people who take up blogging to express their passion.


Also in a later blog, we will share the amazing opportunities that Internet Marketing can bring, especially for our kids who want to utilize this brilliant wealth creation vehicle. But for now, we wanted to reflect on our weekend and the insights we gained from Sean Rasmussen around developing a mindset for success, and in particular how to develop self confidence!










What we like about Sean is his down to earth approach to life. He carries no airs or graces. In fact he and his family enjoy much the same things our family does. They have a hobby farm with a mob of sheep and a crazy dog, their kids play soccer on the weekends in Bunbury and they enjoy the simple everyday aspects of family life as we do.


Sean genuinely wants to help people succeed and he really gives value far beyond what you’d expect with his training and programs. He makes genuine connections with people. Sean explains that with business it is all about finding out people’s problems and then providing the answers.


Now this isn’t the first time that we have seen this pointed out. In fact all the successful people and mentors that we have been fortunate to learn from all say the same thing.


Connect with people and help provide them the answers!


Connecting with people at the Boot Camp!

Sean points out that everybody is an expert. Just find what it is that you are passionate about and become that expert! Find out what people want to know, then build a business around your expertise area.


Self Esteem is another important contributing factor to success. People must take full responsibility for their results in life, not look for fault or blame in others. Sean points out…


Your dreams already do come true. Make your dreams good ones!


Maxwell Maltz (1899-1975) wrote Psycho Cybernetics (1960), a self help classic which revolutionised positive thought. Today’s success teachers (Tony Robins, Demartini, David Wood, Paul Counsel, Sean Rasmussen – just to name a few) understand and refer to. Your self image is the key to human personality and human behaviour.


Change your self-image and you change the person.


Action, Results and Perception are consistent with your self image.


Maltz explains that you will act like the person you perceive yourself to be and your “experience” will be consistent with the way you “see yourself”. We see examples of this everyday. People act the way they perceive themselves, and this is more often than not, drummed into them at a young age.


To put it into context… students fail because they are told that they are failures by parents and teachers. Babies are born “clean”. We interfere with their self image.


Success runs in the family… in the mind!


Maltz points out that disease and success carry through families because it is carried in your mind. If you accept defeat then you are defeated. It is all in how you think and how you behave!


Sean explains that you are better off moving in the wrong direction than not moving at all. At least when you are going in the wrong direction, you can alter course and start going in the right one. It is important to set goals and move forward, otherwise you’ll live in the past. Negative feedback should be seen as a good thing. It helps you correct errors and stay on track. If you can remember that going off track, or off course is not a bad thing, it simply reminds us to re-evaluate what we are doing and self correct. Hopefully we have the self esteem (or at least a great mentor) who can help us find our way back when we stray too far off course.


A healthy self image allows you to locate the answer… to anything!


To Get a Healthy Self Image


  1. Have a goal that is already in existence now and in actual or potential form. (have one that you feel is achievable, but remember to always aim for the moon, because if you fall short, you’ll fall amongst the stars)
  2. Have only an end result in mind..… the “how” will be provided by your Automatic Success Mechanism or ASM (success drawn to you because you believe and trust it to do so- it’s your self image!).
  3. Do not fear mistakes. Negative feedback is a vital part of your ASM. Negative feedback keeps you on course. It is a fact that you get more things wrong in life than right. Just about every super rich successful person has been a failure or broke at some stage.
  4. Dwell on your successes. Your ASM will mentally correct errors until success is achieved. It remembers the successful motives and forgets the failed ones. Think about a basketballer and how he/she is able to achieve the successful shot. It takes pracise and refining or self correcting until the successful shot becomes a pattern in his/her subconscious.
  5. Trust your ASM to do it for you. Focus initially on the end result. Hand it over to your ASM. Do not jam it up with “worry”. Sometimes you have to just “trust” in the universe and know that it will provide you with the solution you are seeking especially if you have a clear intent or know exactly what the end result is that you’re trying to achieve.


Rational Thinking


Sean and his family.

Your subconscious mind has no “will” of its own. It will obey your conscious demands (based around your self image thoughts). So it is through conscious thoughts that you are able to control the ASM. Using rational thinking to challenge your self imposed limits.




It takes twenty one days for something new to become familiar to you. This is when it becomes a habit and you become comfortable with it. A great exercise to test changing a habit is to try brushing your teeth for twenty one days using your other hand. At first it will feel really funny, then you will feel more comfortable with it.

You can use this concept by copying the habits of those you aspire to achieve the same results as, for twenty one days. Napoleon Hill also refers to the importance of copying and developing the habits of the wealthy in his book Think and Grow Rich.


 Tips for Parents of Entrepreneurial children.


Cath and I in Surfer Paradise!

Why not teach your entrepreneurial kids to be disciplined to develop the habits of successful people. Do this by first noticing everyday habits of people around them and then discuss how their habits have contributed to their success by looking at their results. Have your children read biographies of successful people. Build your children’s self image. Encourage them to be leaders, promote public speaking, help them with enterprise and celebrate their successes. Challenge them with exercises to change the way they do things.

There is plenty more to share from Sean Rasmussen ’s Boot Camp, and we look forward to introducing you to just some of the gorgeous people we met and were inspired by. We will also talk about Sean’s formula for success and the three reasons why people are not making money now!



  • Tracey Truss says on: November 16, 2012 at 4:01 pm


    Great blog! Thanks guys! X

  • Cathy and Trevor says on: November 26, 2012 at 5:09 am


    You’re welcome. Second part coming up soon.

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Inspiring kids to be entrepreneurial.